Total Medals Earned: 312 (From
47 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 4,735 Points
Any man shall taste someday the bitter juice of his own tears, only to arise with twice the resolve. Or to go back to work. Maybe.
You watched the intro. This display of compassion towards the creator of the cinematics is proof of the greatness of your person.
For you may not know what is greater sometimes: your hunger or your fear?
You trust the people around you with such ardour and good faith I cannot fathom the utter luck one has in having you as a friend.
The delicacy you make of yourself in such peculiar circumstance shall make you think about the appetite you are capable of generating among people.
You watched the clinic cutscene and played the first minigame. Such display of patience is absolutely commendable.
Because the recollection of long lost memories is not very different than the fresh air which strokes your newly bald head.
To lose a minigame like this....truly the best accomplishment ever achieved. You deserve a trophy.
For ever band-aid you carefully avoid, two more will glue themselves onto you, thence you shall fall hoping to adhere somewhere.
Fully upgrade the quality of four items in your sales department.
I don't know if you knew this already, but zombies love spicy food.
Fully upgrade both the attack and defense of five of your zombies.